The Killer

CRank: 5Score: 36430

and anything which is not pro american is wrong!! this is the law of nature!! the strong make the rules!!

long live USA!!! until an earth quake swallows it and their criminal laws and people who supports this law!!

5312d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

so there is no security in USA? so without carrying human killing weapons i have no safety of my life??

WOOOOW what a security american have!! what is the police and FBI are doing?? ohhhh i forgot they r too busy running after muslims/al-qaida/conquering muslim countries and terrorizing the world!!

what a barbarous nation and yet they dare call others terrorist!!

5312d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

and iraq in saddam hussein time was 100000 time better than now!!

saddam was bad, but no where near as bad as all US governments!!

and israel is even worst than everything else!! yet they are the best friends of USA(devils loves devils)

and even if saddam was bad, no one with authority gave the right for USA to invade Iraq!! in fact its non of their business!!

5312d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

1: will it be why there is a gun in the hand of a girl in the first place?

2: or why there is a gun in the house at all?

3: or why even allowing killing weapons in the hands of the public so some random psychic maniac starts a shooting and kill innocents?

i run out of bubble!! PM me if someone needs a reply!!

5312d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

almost every day there will be 1-2 articles about how dead is ps3 how sony dropped the ball and how MS picked it up and how 360 is the ps2 of this gen LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

while all ps2 owners and ps3 owners knew ps3 will be the top by the end of this gen and it will definitely over pass the 360!! but being bias blinded them!! or their jealousy or hate toward a non american product made many media and bots be like the way they r!!

5314d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

no wonder they are happy with pleasebugsme AKA 360!!

if any bots got any b@lls "not that they have anyway" come and show me just 1 game that can beat uncharted 1 and lets see the comparisons pixel by pixel!!

now am sure i will get a lot of disagrees and with no one who got b@lls who will show me a 360 game that yet to beat uncharted 1!!



5314d ago 15 agree6 disagreeView comment

even if it doesnt sell 1 million that doesnt mean much for us gamer other than the fact that we wont see a sequel in that case!! however we still will have the best action/puzzle/adventure game ever and thats something to be happy about!!

march is a month that all ps3 owners can celebrate it!! with such a game the 360 fanboys will jump ship!! not that it is a good thing(who wants to hear 10 years old kids cursing on the PSN all day??) but it just shows how powerless 360 compared ...

5314d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

how will a crap game sales will benefit u as a gamer?

u wont get 1 cent from the sales of perfect dark so why brag about its sales? assuming ur words will be true but it wont anyway!!

butt hurt bot here?

if GOW3 fails to sell millions then thats sony problem!! not ps3 gamers because they have the option to play the best action adventure puzzle game ever made!! while u play gears of war 2 and halo ODST!!

5314d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

so what will be the equivalent to my CPU in AMD?

i have 2GB RAM and geforce 7800GTX 256MB!! is it good for gaming these days? what games i can play with these specifications? i could play COD4 medium/low settings but could i play MW2 with it?

5316d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

then i will go to AMD CPU, but do the AMD CPU need a AMD motherboard to work on?

and what is the equivalent of intel 3.6GHz in AMD CPU?

5316d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5316d ago

u r doing good work by not being cheap!! i support u!! and it is good to know u dont fall to these cheap tricks!! u can always make an interesting title without lying or use cheap tricks to get hits!!

on the other hand, i dont hear much from ur site these days how come?

and did u watch "The Arrivals" on youtube? i think if u got some time better watch some things from it, it cover the Illuminati/anti-christ/islam and modern things!! it covers many topics, ...

5317d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

must be hard as a rock with all these silicons!!

man i just like natural things!!

damn, am sure no one will agree with me!! most people in this site are atheist and is a subject to the mind control that is being done by the media!!


u saw "The Arrivals" until episode 14??? wow cool!! i didn...

5317d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

serve MS right!!

5317d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

lucky the arabs!! at least the arabs are first in something else other than getting bombed!!

5318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1 PC
2 PS3
3 360

however dont see this needs classes

5319d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

well maybe but the hack went through PSN and effected the internal clock, so the problem started from the network to the hardwares!! this is as far as i understood!! i agree, PSN is fine but the hack went through it.

any way everything is fixed now!! the bots can continue to cry!!


it must be a bug that hit some fat ps3 which played with the internal clock thats what u think and what probably happened!!

LOL 3000, yup thats how ps3 is c...

5319d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

now that the psn is fixed, can we see the articles that says "FF13 ps3 version is on the incline and will outsell 360 version"??

well the bots changed their mind now again and cancel their pre-orders and pre-order the superior ps3 version??

5319d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

good culture protect human rights that God gave them, not the right of homos and killers etc, a good culture is the one which provide perfect spiritual and universal and physical needs of the human!!

if a man is rich and have everything in the world but his soul is empty and corrupted then he got nothing of this world!!

a good culture is that is not built on oppression or materialism!! a good culture is that of which is based on truth and not lies spread all over the...

5319d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Warning!! Spoilers

Hercules is getting slaughtered!!

Warning ended!!

not even Zues us saved from the wrath of Kratos!!

5319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment